Saturday, June 02, 2007



S.L. Corsua said...

Its slopes, curves, hues -- delicate. Even its voice. ^_^ Looking at something like this can so easily move one to write, to paint, to breathe deeper. Or, To be silent.

(Er. I'll be shutting up now. *smiles*)

coyote said...

I'm a believer in letting an image breathe its own words... *smiles* back, soulless...

Angelfish said...

flowers are works of art in themselves - nice capture. :) but I am curious - how does such a clever canine handle a camera without opposable thumbs?

ether said...

Is Coyote getting back to photography then?

DayDreamer said...

Beautifully done.

coyote said...

Thank you, all.

Fingers, I read somewhere that Joni Mitchell alternates between albums and painting, because each gives her a way to recharge from the other. I think maybe I do that with writing & photography...

Opposable thumbs? Angelfish, we coyotes keep a little magic in our pointy ears for these kindsa things....