Thursday, September 20, 2007

Global Theory


salonsally said...

This is VERY cool. How'd you do this one? or would that be telling...

coyote said...

Oh, it would be telling. Except to say that us artful coyotes don't need no stinkin' Photoshop

Angelfish said...

Cool. Who cleans that thing?

coyote said...

Govmint employees in a govmint town, ma'am....

Aggie said...

You have alien powers, Coyote.

coyote said...

Why, thank you, ma'am...

Luara said...

ooh shiny object...
how'd you get them purple stars to appear? i guess it's just a matter of asking nicely?

coyote said...

Or... it could be internal reflections in the optics, together with the usual cranky wierdnesses inherent in the sensors inside digital cameras... but what do I know?

Anonymous said...



ether said...


DayDreamer said...

Awesome! The kid in me wants to poke it and see it it pops....

Angelfish said...

Thanks for the attaboy mon chien - I've got 3 book credits now believe it or not! :) Moving to the desert has given me some opportunities I would not have had back in the motherland, but I still complain about it.... ;)

And as for being the man...I think I must bring out the inner child in my guy friends. Most of them act worse than girls on hormone fits.

coyote said...

Clifford: Thank you!

Fingers: How ya doin'?

'dreamer: You could poke it, but it would ring like a gong. I think it's stainless steel...

Angelfish: You're welcome, ma'am. Attaboy fully deserved. (And don't guys get their own hormone fits? Are you solely responsible for the world's glandular disorders...?)